We are experiencing intermittent issues with our giving basket. Please use the backup site to make a gift.
Michigan Giving Home

On this page

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Information

Who can I contact with general questions?

For questions or assistance, contact Gift and Records Administration:

Call toll free: 888-518-7888

Local number: 734-647-6179

Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. ET

Or email us anytime.

Who can I contact about my gift?

Please contact Gift and Records Administration with your questions about:

  • Your gifts to the university.
  • Whether the university has received your gift and/or whether it has been processed.
  • Information on a pledge reminder you received in the mail.
  • How to make a credit card gift over the phone.
  • Information on a gift receipt or whether you need a new receipt.
  • Information on the processing of a credit card gift, a payroll deduction gift or a recurring gift.

You can also view your giving history and pledges in your account. (Note: You must be logged into the site to access this page.)

Account Information

How can I get an account and password?

To register for this site you must have a uniqname.

What is a U-M uniqname?

A U-M uniqname is your official U-M computing ID and may have been part of your @umich email address if you are alumni, faculty or staff. Your uniqname and password are required in order to log in to your personal information on this site.

What is a friend account?

A friend account is a U-M guest computing account. It allows someone who does not have a U-M uniqname and UMICH Kerberos password to authenticate to the U-M computing environment, allowing them to log in to the environment and be identified. Friend accounts can be used by donors and friends of the university who are not alumni, faculty or staff.

Why should I log out when I'm finished visiting this site?

As with all websites containing personal data, it is important to log out from your session to help keep your information secure.

Why don’t I see my full giving history in my account?

The transactions listed in your giving history may not be a complete record of your giving to U-M. This history may not include:

  • Gifts matched by your employer or the university.
  • Transactions where your spouse or partner was the check signer or credit card holder.
  • Foundation gifts.
  • Some of your transactions, if your giving record is not connected to your online account. 

If you have questions or would like a complete record of your giving, please contact our Gifts and Records Administration team.

Personal Information

How do I update my personal information?

Please contact Gift and Records Administration to notify us of:

  • A change in your marital status.
  • A change of your home address or phone number.
  • A change of your business address information.
  • A change of your email address.
  • The death of an alum, alumna, or alumnus.

You can also update your name, address, email address, phone numbers, spouse/partner information, and education information on our secure Update My Profile form.

How do I update my personal information if I don't have an account?

Please contact Gift and Records Administration to submit your request. Title your changes "Alumni Record Update."

You can also update your name, address, email address, phone numbers, spouse/partner information, and education information on our secure Update My Profile form.

I recently made updates to my personal information and the changes are not appearing. What should I do?

All changes made to your record will be reflected within 3-5 business days.

How can I forward or redirect my umich.edu email address?

Please visit Information and Technology Services for more details and assistance at the Forwarding or redirecting your U-M email using the MCommunity directory page.

Beginning in March 2012, new alumni who used Google Apps UMICH email, calendar, and other tools as students maintain access to these services when they become alumni.

What is a preferred email address?

This address is where you would prefer to receive general university email correspondence. Please feel free to list other email addresses that would serve as alternate means of contact for university staff should the need arise.

What is U-M's policy on the use and release of personal information?

The University of Michigan is committed to protecting your personal privacy. You may wish to review the U-M Standard Practice Guide section 602.05.

Information on giving to U-M

What is the university’s official name and tax-identification number?

University's Official Name: Regents of the University of Michigan

Tax-Identification Number: 38-6006309

I'm not sure which funds I want to support. How can I find U-M giving opportunities?

The giving site is organized by categories. You can select and deselect fund categories by school, purpose, or cause as well as search for topics that interest you. You may add more than one fund to your giving basket and complete your donation in one transaction.

I can't find the fund I'm looking for. How can I make my donation?

You can write in the name and/or six digit shortcode of your fund to make your gift. You can describe your area of interest in the box provided. We will assign your donation to the appropriate fund, which will be included on your official receipt.

What does it mean when a fund or gift is endowed?

Gifts to the University of Michigan are classified as either endowed or expendable. An endowed gift is money given by a donor that is invested in perpetuity, with the distributions available to spend on activities consistent with donor intent. An expendable gift is money given by a donor that is entirely spent on activities consistent with donor intent. Learn more about the University of Michigan endowment

What should I know about giving to an endowed fund?

Gifts to endowment funds will be administered as permanent endowment under Michigan Law and university policies.

How do I pay my pledge online?

Go to your account and log in. Click on Pledges to pay on an open pledge, or simply make your gift online and indicate in the gift comment that your payment should be applied toward your pledge.

I would like to set up a pledge gift. Can I do this online?

Please contact Gift and Records Administration to set up a new pledge.

I made a pledge through telefund. Where can I see the pledge information?

You view your open pledges visit your account and click on Pledges. (Note: You must be logged into the site to access this page.) Please allow 3-5 business days for changes to be reflected on the website.

How do I create a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)?

You can learn about how to create or make a grant from a DAF on our Donor Advised Fund page

I would like to give from my Donor-Advised Fund (DAF). Can I do this online? 

You can give from your DAF using the DAFwidget button below, a convenient way to look up and give from your donor-advised fund. If you do not find your fund, you can learn more on our Donor Advised Fund page.

Give now from your
Donor-Advised Fund

I currently work for U-M and would like my gift to be deducted monthly from my payroll. Can I do this online?

Yes. Current employees are eligible to set up payroll deductions. Visit the giving site and follow the instructions as you check out. For bi-weekly paid employees, gifts are deducted from the second pay of the month.

This transaction will not affect other payroll deductions, such as United Way donations or parking permits. If you prefer, you can also manage all of your payroll deductions on the Wolverine Access site.

How long do monthly payroll deductions last?

The monthly deduction continues until you choose to stop the deduction by contacting Gift and Records Administration or modifying your deductions on the Wolverine Access site.

I currently work for U-M and have monthly gift deductions applied to my paycheck, but I have forgotten what I am donating to. Can I view my giving history?

Yes. You can view your giving history on your account. (Note: You must be logged into the site to access this page.) Please note that this data reflects your history as of 60 days ago. Any changes within the last 60 days may not be reflected in your giving history. You can also view your deductions on the Wolverine Access site.

I currently work for U-M and have monthly gift deductions applied to my paycheck. Can I make any changes?

Yes. You can make changes in one of the following ways:

  1. Visit the Wolverine Access site.
  2. Contact Gift and Records Administration.
  3. Use the Chat feature.

I would like to give monthly from my credit card. Can I do this online?

Yes. Visit the giving site to select the funds you wish to support. Add one or more fund(s) to your giving basket and proceed to checkout. Choose “Monthly Credit Card“ as your payment method. Your credit card will be charged your monthly gift amount on the 10th of each month. You can view your monthly credit card gifts on your account. (Note: You must be logged into the site to access this page.) Please allow 3-5 business days for changes to be reflected on the website.

Please note: The tribute gift option is not available for monthly credit card gifts.

How can I find out if my company has a matching gifts program?

You can increase your gift to U-M by making use of your company's matching gift program.

If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer, and send it completed and signed with your gift. We will do the rest. The impact of your gift to the university may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

Note: Matching gifts from employers are not eligible to be included in pledge payments. Gift pledges to the university may be fulfilled only through payments from the donors of the gifts.

Find out if your company has a matching gifts program. 

I can’t submit a donation from my military address overseas. How can I make my donation?

At this time our online donation system cannot accept donations from overseas FPO, APO, or DPO addresses without a workaround. Although (AE, AP, AA) are listed as a U.S. state for the contact information address, these options are not available for the billing information/credit card payment page.

There are two workarounds:

1. For credit cards that use an overseas FPO/APO/DPO address:

On the Contact Information step: You can enter the address by entering FPO, APO, or DPO in the field for city and AE, AP, or AA in the field for state. The zip code you enter must match the zip code on your credit card.


Country (United States)
Address (PO Box 08)
City (FPO)
State (AE)
Zip Code (Same as the zip code on the credit card)

On the Billing Information/Credit Card Payment step: You can enter the address by entering FPO, APO, or DPO in the field for city and you can select any state (AE, AP, or AA are not an available option) in the field for state. The zip code you enter must match the zip code on your credit card.


Country (United States)
Address (PO Box 08)
City (FPO)
State (any state)
Zip Code (Same as the zip code on the credit card)

2. You can use a different credit card (one that does not use an overseas FPO/APO/DPO address).

How can I give a gift of securities or gifts in kind?

How can I give using cryptocurrency?

I received a call from Michigan Telefund. Can I learn more about the program?

Read about our Michigan Telefund program, which trains and employs several hundred Michigan students to contact donors about annual giving by phone.

Where can I find charitable gift planning resources?

Legacy or planned gifts can help you support U-M for generations to come. You can choose from a variety of creative ways to contribute, including:

Are there tax benefits to making a gift to U-M?

The University of Michigan has 501(c)(3) non-profit tax exempt status. Our federal tax ID number is 38-6006309.

  • Your gift may provide you with federal and state income tax benefits:
    • If you itemize deductions on your federal income tax return, you may be able to deduct your contribution to U-M from your adjusted gross income. In addition, gifts of appreciated property you owned for longer than one year may avoid long term capital gains tax. Check with your tax advisor for deduction and capital gains tax requirements and limitations for your situation.
    • Your state may also allow a credit or deduction. Again, check with your tax advisor regarding applicable state law.

Information on giving to the Alumni Association (AAUM)

How can I make a gift to the Alumni Association?

Give online to the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan.

Visit the Alumni Association website for more information on their programming and giving opportunities.

How can I support the LEAD Scholars program?

Gifts to LEAD are gifts to the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan, not the University of Michigan. AAUM has hired U-M to provide services to AAUM, including processing LEAD gift programs. In order to give to LEAD Scholarships, please visit the AAUM LEAD page.

How can I find information about my LEAD giving history or pledges?

For any questions about gifts to LEAD, you can contact the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan.

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Copyright © 2025 The Regents of the University of Michigan
3003 S. State St., Suite 9000, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1288
Gifts to endowment will be administered as a permanent endowment under Michigan law and University policies. The Regents of the University of Michigan has 501(c)(3) non-profit tax exempt status. Federal tax ID number: 38-6006309