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Corporate Relations

Corporate Relations partners with businesses and university partners on philanthropic investments to enhance the student education experience, elevate innovation with world class faculty, and increase partner visibility on campus. The Corporate Relations team works closely with businesses to understand their goals and identify campus opportunities and investments.
We can explore investment options ranging from student scholarships and fellowships, faculty research grants, program support, and more. 

We can also help connect businesses to other University of Michigan resources for:
  • Recruiting
  • Sponsored Research
  • Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Professional Development
  • Student Projects
  • Student Groups
  • Licensing Innovations
  • Supplier Partnerships

For Companies


Career offices across campus work with businesses to create strategies for recruiting students and alumni for internships, co-ops, or full-time employment opportunities. The Hire Blue! website features tools to help companies in narrowing their search efforts to specifically target U-M students. The site also provides contact information for all of the career services offices at the University of Michigan and upcoming recruiting event information.

Sponsored Research

Corporate Research Alliances is the University’s destination for corporate partners seeking research collaborations with faculty that emphasize the translation of novel ideas and discoveries to commercial applications.

Sponsorship Opportunities

University Musical Society gives your company the opportunity to connect with the community and engage with your customers and team members in inspiring and creative ways.

Michigan Sports Properties provides business partners numerous opportunities in which to bolster their own brand through such assets as venue signage, event sponsorships and promotion, corporate hospitality, radio, and digital engagement and visibility.

Professional Development

Michigan Ross Executive Education is ranked among the best in the world and provides transformational experiences that elevate your thinking and enable unparalleled business results.

Nexus at Michigan Engineering offers professional education certificates and designs and supports online degree programs from the University of Michigan College of Engineering.

Michigan Online provides opportunities to learn and earn credentials online.

Student Projects

While working with unit career centers is vital to successful recruiting, we also recommend partnering on student projects to build rapport with students and determine if they are a good fit for your organization. Course-based projects and programs across campus offer students the opportunity to engage in real-world applications of their academic experience. The same programs offer organizations the opportunity to work with students to solve pressing issues and increase student awareness of the organization. Some highlighted student projects include:

  • Mechanical Engineering 450 Capstone Design—ME 450 Capstone Design offers students exposure to the design process from concept generation through analysis to prototype validation and serves industry, startups, faculty-research labs, and community-based organizations.
  • Multidisciplinary Design Program (MDP)—the MDP program provides team-based, “learn by doing” opportunities through projects with research faculty and external partners. Approximately 40 teams of five to seven talented students annually tackle engineering and/or data science projects for various corporate, start-up, nonprofit, and government organizations. All teams start in January and end in December and are jointly mentored by a dedicated U-M faculty member and a representative from the sponsoring organization.
  • Multidisciplinary Action Project (MAP)—The Ross MAP course is one of the most intense, student-driven learning experiences in business education. Teams of students tackle pressing business challenges for sponsor organizations—major corporations, start-ups, and nonprofits—all over the world. At the heart of MAP is a mutually beneficial collaboration between students, faculty, and sponsor organizations.
  • The Tauber Institute for Global Operations (Tauber)—Tauber unites top students and industries in a 14-week, multidisciplinary, collaborative project. Team projects are highly visible operations-related challenges with both engineering and business components. A successful project results in a significant return on a sponsoring company's investment.
  • School of Information Student Projects—from user experience design to data/information analysis to library and archives consulting, Client Opportunities in the School of Information offer the opportunity to solve the pressing needs of an organization. In these courses, students deploy their developing knowledge and skills to address real information challenges in a variety of areas.
  • UM-Dearborn Business Analytics Capstone Project—this program partners with Fortune 500 companies, startups, and nonprofits to provide capstone projects for our masters students. These projects give students the opportunity to apply their skills in quantitative design, modeling, and analysis while finding solutions to open-ended problems with large datasets. Students work with a UM-Dearborn faculty advisor and a mentor for a 14-15 week period.

Student Groups

U-M student groups are a great way for companies to engage with students who are interested in specific topics, such as blockchain or women in computing. To start searching for student groups, visit the university's Maize Pages, a central repository of more than 1,200 student organizations. Links to many student organizations can be found on Maize Pages, but others are easily accessed directly through their respective school or college.

Licensing Innovations

If your company is interested in learning more about what is available at Michigan, we can help connect you with our office of Innovation Partnerships.

Supplier Partnership

To learn more about becoming a supplier to the University of Michigan, please refer to our Procurement Services office.

Contact Information

We can assist you in creating a customized philanthropic program that aligns directly with your business objectives and boosts your company's visibility at all U-M schools, colleges, and campuses.

Umesh Patel.

Umesh Patel

Senior Director, Corporate Relations

Tanya Griffith

Senior Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations

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Copyright © 2025 The Regents of the University of Michigan
3003 S. State St., Suite 9000, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1288
Gifts to endowment will be administered as a permanent endowment under Michigan law and University policies. The Regents of the University of Michigan has 501(c)(3) non-profit tax exempt status. Federal tax ID number: 38-6006309